Enhancing our lawns creatively never gets old, but doing it the correct way is what matters the most. Traditional landscaping includes gardening components that could cause damage to your yard and the ecosystem over time. Ultimately, it is ideal to use organic or natural ways to grow your lawn into a beautiful haven while addressing ecological issues.

What does Organic Landscaping involve?

Environmental concerns are at their peak, and organic landscaping is doing our bit to reverse those negatives. It basically involves the use of sustainable and eco-friendly measures within the boundaries of our lawn. The aim is to incorporate values such as conserving, prevention, reducing, reusing, and recycling.

This method of landscaping also increases energy efficiency practices by reduced pollution, clean air, and water. Other benefits include restoring local fauna and insects; and also monetary, moral, and climatic profits.

Benefits of Choosing Organic over Traditional Techniques

Organic landscaping has a multitude of advantages, and that too, not just for the climate, but for your yard as well.

Here is a shortlist of a few:

Enhanced plant protection and biodiversity

Using unnatural chemicals like fertilizers and pesticides might give you your preferred results initially. But, after a while, these plants will grow to be more susceptible to diseases. Hence, this technique is not a smart and long-term move for your lawn.

On the contrary, natural compost will provide your plants with nutrients without any chances of likely damage in the future. Native and naturally-grown plants are resistant to all types of plant diseases and fungi. Additionally, these plants are home to several insects, birds, and animals, which will help keep the biodiversity intact.

Organic methods are healthier for both humans and animals

There are probably no chemicals that do not cause side effects or potentially fatal health problems. Chemicals can be made safe. But, every individual’s health reacts to them differently. So, the best way to go about this is prevention, as it is always better than cure.

Chemicals can have so many ill results to not only humans but domestic animals such as dogs, cats, or birds if they accidentally ingest them.

Plants and soil benefit from deeper roots

Organic landscaping ensures deep roots, which makes it easy for plants to reach and absorb nutrients. Further, it also enables steady growth. Plus, this is also great for your lawn’s soil, as long and deep roots mean a tighter grip of the soil, and therefore making possible no or less erosion.

Also, erosion causes a loss of nutrients. Thus, organic landscaping kills two birds with one stone. Lastly, deeper roots also make the soil porous that makes water absorption easy and quick.

Organic Landscaping

Some Organic Ways to Implement

There are many alterations to achieve in order to transform your garden into an organic one completely.

Here are some points to keep in mind:

  •   Seed plants with various functions like medicinal. food production, aesthetics, etc
  •   Plant more edible plants than those only for decorative purposes
  •   Eliminate the use of poisonous sprays like fertilizers, pesticides; instead, apply organic humus.


Organic ways are always a tad more work than using chemicals and getting instant results. However, in the distant future, it will have better and fruitful results. So, to convert your lawn to organic, enquire at Tea Lane Nursery now!