Tea Lane Nursery’s Organic Landscaping Preserves Vineyard Haven For Years To Come
Enhance and preserve your property’s natural beauty through expert organic landscaping.
Vineyard Haven Organic Landscaping
Join the scores of Vineyard Haven’s residents who have seen the charm that comes with hiring an expert landscaping company. If you want an attractive and sustainable landscape that is completely organic and nature-friendly, Tea Lane Nursery is here to help!
Here are some examples of what you can get from Tea Lane Nursery:
- Installation as well as maintenance
- Hardscapes
- High-quality turf
- A wide variety of trees and plants
- Specialty in native plantings
- Sourcing hard-to-find and exotic plants
Complete Organic Landscaping By the Best Contractors
Organic landscaping is more than just a technique; it’s an art. Our contractors work closely with architects to make sure that your landscape is properly installed and within your budget. Our team uses sustainable and organic practices that not only capture your vision but also enhance it. The final product is nothing less than a stunning landscape.
We pride ourselves on bringing organic practices to the island as far back as 1977, and as pioneers of Vineyard Haven’s organic landscaping scene, we feel comfortable promising that you will be more than happy with your landscape when we are complete.
Lawn Care & Maintenance in Vineyard Haven
Although we are excited to help you plan and install your dream landscape, we are equally able to care for your lawn for years into the future.
As a comprehensive organic landscaping company, Tea Lane Nursery is happy to maintain your landscape, new or old! Our organic landscape contractors use only the best organic materials and practices. Our process has been perfected throughout the years and produces beautiful results that are completely sustainable, making maintenance even easier!
What Our Customers Are Saying
We don’t like to brag, so we let our happy customers speak for us:
“David Hill at Tea Lane Nursery did an imaginative job landscaping my new addition. I’m looking forward to his touch again on a new spring project. I’ll trust Tea Lane as I have over the years to maintain it all responsibly.”
– E/Edgartown
“Tea Lane Nursery has worked with us since ’97, maintaining our landscape & “hardscape”, including a near jungle of wisteria, honeysuckle, trumpet vines & grape vines. Over the years, they have designed, restored & installed perennial borders, walkways, patios & stonewalls on our property. Their staff is a friendly group of dedicated, skilled & responsive people, who provide expert care all year round.”
– Marge Luening & Jeff Dando
Why Organic? See for Yourself.
As a starter, organic landscaping is better for the environment. Think about an island free of pesticides and the mountains of fertilizer that many lawns are “addicted” to. After a good rain, these potentially dangerous chemicals run off and hurt Vineyard Haven’s local wildlife and water sources.
Another added benefit to going organic is that your lawn will actually be stronger and healthier. How? Well, as an organic lawn, it won’t be reliant on constant infusions of fertilizers and over-watering. Your lawn will be constructed to be drought resistant and it won’t have a need for constant fertilizers or pesticides. Going organic means your plants’ roots will be deeper and stronger. It also means that maintenance will be easier.
- Easier maintenance
- Better for wildlife
- Safer for water sources
- Promotes stronger plants and landscape
Let our organic landscaping professionals show you what they can do for your Vineyard Haven property!