Should You Use Compost or Fertilizer in Your Martha’s Vineyard Garden?

Should You Use Compost or Fertilizer in Your Martha's Vineyard Garden?

Making Martha’s Vineyard Gardens Thrive: Compost or Fertilizer?

Martha’s Vineyard is an incredibly rewarding experience. The island’s mild climate and fertile soils make growing a variety of vegetables, herbs, and flowers a breeze. But when it comes to feeding your plants, it’s important to know the difference between compost and fertilizer, and how to choose the right one for your garden. In this blog, we’ll discuss the benefits of both compost and fertilizer, and help you decide which is best for your Martha’s Vineyard garden.

Gardening is an essential and enjoyable hobby for many Martha’s Vineyard residents. However, keeping your garden healthy and thriving can be a challenge, especially if you are unsure about the best fertilization methods. Two of the most common options are compost and fertilizer, and each has its unique benefits. In this blog post, we will explore the pros and cons of using compost and fertilizer in your Martha’s Vineyard garden, helping you to make an informed decision for your plants and soil.

Benefits of Using Compost in Your Martha’s Vineyard Garden

Compost is one of the most beneficial materials you can use for your Martha’s Vineyard garden. Compost is a natural material composed of decaying organic matter, including food scraps, leaves, grass clippings, and other plant-based materials. It is often referred to as “black gold” for its ability to improve soil structure and fertility. Compost provides essential nutrients for plants and helps improve water retention and drainage in the soil. It also helps promote beneficial microorganisms and can help reduce the need for chemical fertilizers.

Using compost in your Martha’s Vineyard garden can also help reduce the amount of waste that goes into landfills. Instead of throwing away food scraps and other organic materials, they can be composted and reused in your garden. This can help reduce the amount of waste that goes into landfills and help protect the environment.

Benefits of Using Fertilizer in Your Martha’s Vineyard Garden

Fertilizer is a great way to add essential nutrients to your Martha’s Vineyard garden. It can help promote healthy plant growth and improve soil fertility. Fertilizer is typically composed of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium, which are essential elements for plants. Fertilizer also helps improve soil structure and can help reduce the need for water, as it helps retain moisture in the soil.

Fertilizer can also be used to supplement the nutrients in compost. It can help boost the nutrient content of the soil, and can be used to target specific nutrients that plants need. This can help ensure that your plants get the nutrients they need to grow and thrive.

Comparing the Cost of Compost and Fertilizer

The cost of compost and fertilizer can vary depending on where you purchase them and the type of product you choose. Generally, organic compost is more expensive than synthetic fertilizer. However, compost is typically cheaper in the long run because it can be used over and over again, whereas fertilizer needs to be replaced regularly. Additionally, compost is a more sustainable option, as it is made up of organic matter that is naturally replenished by the environment.

How to Properly Apply Compost and Fertilizer to Your Martha’s Vineyard Garden

Applying compost and fertilizer to your Martha’s Vineyard garden is not as difficult as it may seem. To apply compost, simply spread it over the soil and mix it in with a garden fork or tiller. If you are using fertilizer, mix it with water and apply it directly to the plants. Make sure to follow the directions on the packaging, as different products require different application techniques. Additionally, it is important to be mindful of the amount of compost and fertilizer you are applying, as too much can result in over-fertilization and cause damage to your plants.

Alternatives to Compost and Fertilizer for Your Martha’s Vineyard Garden

For those looking for alternatives to compost and fertilizer for their Martha’s Vineyard garden, there are several options available. Cover crops, green manures, and mulches can all be effective in adding nutrients to the soil.

Cover crops are plants that are planted in the fall and left to grow over the winter. As the plants decompose, they add organic matter and nutrients to the soil, which helps the soil retain moisture and nutrients. Cover crops can also help prevent soil erosion and reduce the amount of weeds in the garden.

Green manures are another alternative to compost and fertilizer. These are crops that are planted and then incorporated into the soil while they are still growing. As they decompose, they add organic matter and nutrients to the soil. Green manures can also help improve soil structure and attract beneficial insects.

Mulches are a layer of materials, usually organic matter, that are placed over the soil. Mulch helps to prevent weeds, retain moisture, and add nutrients to the soil. Compost or aged manure can be used as mulch, and can also help to improve soil structure and attract beneficial insects.

Frequently Asked Questions about Compost and Fertilizer in Martha’s Vineyard Gardens

Q: How often should I use compost or fertilizer in my Martha’s Vineyard garden?

A: It depends on the needs of your garden and the type of compost or fertilizer you are using.

Q: How much compost or fertilizer should I use?

A: The amount of compost or fertilizer you should use depends on the size of your garden and the type of compost or fertilizer you are using. Generally, a good rule of thumb is to use one to two inches of compost or fertilizer per square foot of garden.

Q: Can I use compost or fertilizer on my lawn?

A: Yes, compost and fertilizer can be used on lawns, as long as they are applied at the correct rate. Compost should be applied once a year, in the spring or fall, and fertilizer should be applied every two to four weeks, depending on the type of fertilizer used.


Compost and fertilizer are both essential for Martha’s Vineyard gardens. Compost is a natural and organic option that can help improve the soil’s fertility and condition. It can also help reduce the amount of water and fertilizer needed for plants to grow. Fertilizer, on the other hand, is a chemical-based option that can provide a direct source of nutrients to plants. While both options have their benefits, compost is often the more cost-effective option and can be more easily applied to your garden.

Whether you choose to use compost or fertilizer in your Martha’s Vineyard garden, both can be valuable tools in keeping your plants healthy and thriving. Compost can add vital nutrients to the soil and improve soil structure, while fertilizers can provide essential nutrients that plants need to grow. Ultimately, the decision will depend on your individual needs and preferences. At Tealane Nursery, we can help you make an informed decision by providing expert advice and a wide range of quality fertilizers and compost products. Contact us today to learn more about our gardening products and services!